Improving fishery statistics, stock assessment performance, and the regional mechanism for collaborative assessment and management of fisheries in PERSGA Region

SFISH project development objective is to strengthen capacities and regional collaboration in management of marine fisheries and aquaculture in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region. From this main objective, this study focuses on providing technical assistance for improving fishery statistics, with emphasis on their use in stock assessment and recovery management measures for major and priority pelagic and demersal species, relevant management performance, and supporting regional mechanism for joint assessment process and collaboration in fishery management in the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden. The individual international consultant is required to lead this key consultancy in cooperation with national experts from PERSGA member states. The consultancy team, including the lead international and the national experts involved in this consultancy are closely collaborated with other consultancy teams of a parallel project activities, particularly to share information and complement assessments and capacity building interventions addressing management gaps and performance, and support of the regional mechanism. They also ensure maximum synergy with relevant national efforts, programs and projects.

Objective of the Study

This study aims to provide technical assistance in the context of project activities planned to improve management, improving and harmonization of fishery statistics, and their effective use for assessment of major and priority fish stocks and management measures, improving performance of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) systems and supporting the regional mechanism for joint assessment process, and collaboration in management of fisheries. Therefore, the study involves the following specific objectives:

  1. a) Assessing the current state, management capacities/ efforts and analyzing gaps for:

1) Effective collection and management of sound fishery statistics, their application in the effective Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS), and stock assessment for major/ priority fish species.

2) Harmonizing fishery statistics and data sharing at regional level, and organizing regular process for joint assessment of the status of fisheries in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden large marine ecosystem.

3) Establish/promote devices and tools to sustain effective regional mechanism for collaboration in management of marine fisheries in the region.

  1. b) Demonstrate stock assessments for priority fisheries within PERSGA region, including priority pelagic (e,g. Tuna, Spanish mackerel, small pelagic), and demersal/ shallow water species important in domestic fisheries in the member states, whereby such stocks generate socioeconomic benefits for the livelihoods that depend on them. Fish Stocks to be prioritized will be based on the above assessment taking into account social, economic, nutritional, food security and environmental criteria, as well as their role in the larger ecosystem.
  2. c) Provide technical guidelines and support building relevant regional capacities, considering needs for cost effectiveness, standard methodologies and procedures, sustainability etc., addressing gaps identified through above assessments, i.e. building technical capacity and knowledge needed to implement recommended actions and measures at national and regional levels, and demonstrating the regional process. This would include through developing and facilitating relevant guidelines and training packages (focused modules and workshops), in order to assist building institutional and human capacities to improve management. It would also establish regional approach, baselines, objectively verifiable indicators, etc. for the regular assessment process; and demonstrate this through production of a report on the status of assessed fisheries in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region

Key Deliverables and outputs

  • Detailed methodologies and regional technical workshop for national and regional experts participating in the assessments /gap analysis for effective collection and management of sound fishery statistics, application in the (MCS) and performance of fish stock assessment and management measures, harmonizing/ data sharing, joint assessments fisheries, effective devices and tools of the regional mechanism for collaboration in fisheries
  • Regional and country reports (seven country) on assessment and gap analysis regarding fishery statistics, stock assessment/ recovery, management aspects, and regional mechanisms for joint regional assessment and collaborative management, including also selected priority species for carry out stock
  • Regional technical guidelines and training modules on:
  1. Sound collection/ management of fishery statistics, apply in performance of fish stock assessment/recovery and MCS functions, with emphasis on the selected priority species,
  2. Effective regional mechanism; harmonizing fishery statistics, joint assessment of the status of fisheries; workable devices/ tools for regional collaboration in fishery assessments, policies and management
  • Compiled assessment of fish stock status regional report for selected priority species, including specific recommendations for management
  • Regional and country reports (eight reports) on the status of fisheries in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in the regular assessment