Procurement Announcements 

Requests for Quotations to supply Goods

Sr.# Title Category Post Date Extended Closing Date
1 RFQ_Fisheries_Equipment_Somali Goods 26-Feb-25 25-03-25
2 RFQ_Fisheries_Equipment_Yemen Goods 5-Jan-25 31-01-25
3 RFQ_Fisheries_Equipment_Egypt Goods 5-Jan-25 31-01-25
4 Fisheries monitoring equipment for Djibouti Goods 5-Jan-25 31-01-25
5 RFQ_Fisheries_Equipment_Jordan Goods 5-Jan-25 31-01-25
6 RFQ_Fisheries_Equipment_Sudan Goods 5-Jan-25 31-01-25
7 2107 – supply computer server and hardware equipment to PERSGA-EMARSGA regional center in Hurghadah, Egypt Goods 09-Aug-23 CLOSED
8 Purchase PERSGA database server computer and UPS Goods 27-Jan-23 CLOSED
9 Supply computer hardware and accessory network equipment, and GPS devices for PERSGA HQ in Jeddah Goods 27-Jan-23 CLOSED
10 Supply equipment for PERSGA conference room, including table extension, audiovisual, and interpretation system Goods 27-Jan-23 CLOSED
11 Supply media equipment for PERSGA awareness and educational program Goods 27-Jan-23 CLOSED

Calls for Consultancy Services (Consultancy Firm)

Sr.# Title Category Post Date Extended Closing Date
1 Request for Expression of Interest for Finance Auditor for the Project Service 28-Aug-23 CLOSED
2 Implementation of PERSGA Knowledge & Content Management System and Upgrading PERSGA Website Consultant Firm 27-Jan-23 CLOSED

Calls for Consultancy Services (Indvidual Consultant)

Sr.# Title Category Post Date Extended Closing Date
2 Individual Consultant for Midterm Review of the “Sustainable Fisheries Development in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden” Project (SFISH Project) IC 23-July-24 15-August-24
3 Individual National Consultants to assist update & develop Action Plans for sharks, marine turtles, seabirds and marine mammals conservation in PERSGA countries IC 28-May-24 30-Jun-24
4 Individual Consultant to lead assessments, updating, development, and support implementation of Regional Action Plans for conservation of sharks, marine turtles, seabirds and marine mammals EOI Form IC 28-May-24 30-jun-24
5 Individual International Consultant to update the regional oil spill/ Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) contingency plan and build capacity on OPRC contingency planning with emphasis on HNS pollution. IC CLOSED CLOSED
6 2201- Individual Consultant to lead improving fishery statistics…… IC CLOSED CLOSED
7 Request for Expression of Interest to develop PERSGA environmental and social risk management procedural manual and support project Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) implementation and monitoring team. IC CLOSED CLOSED
8 PERSGA-2107-GO-RFQ, PERSGA-2202-CS-INDV, PERSGA-2203-CS-INDV, PERSGA-2204-CS-INDV PERSGA-2205-CS-INDV, PERSGA-2206-CS-INDV, PERSGA-2207-CS-INDV, PERSGA-2208-CS-INDV NC to assist improving fisher statistics……. IC CLOSED CLOSED
9 Individual Consultant for updating PERSGA Finance and Accounting manuals and team training support. IC CLOSED CLOSED
10 Individual Consultant for Revision and Update of PERSGA Procurement Policy/ Procedures Manual and Supporting Project Procurement Management Team. IC CLOSED CLOSED
11 Individual International Consultant to lead status assessments, developing action plans and promote capacities for management of IUU fishing, fish spawning aggregations and fishery bycatch in PERSGA region IC international CLOSED CLOSED
12 Individual National Consultants to assist status assessments, developing action plans and building capacities for management of IUU fishing, fish spawning aggregations and fishery bycatch in each of Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen IC National CLOSED CLOSED
13 Project management assistant IC Time-based CLOSED CLOSED